Try Easy, Not Hard
One of the 8 universal principles of Baptiste yoga is to "try easy, not hard”. If you are someone like me, who tries really hard at everything, this message may resonate with you.
For example, in my yoga practice I use my muscle strength to go deeper or to progress in the asana. However, I realized that sometimes muscling my way into things or working too hard is not always what is needed.
I tend to do the same in life. I like to do things right. I grew up with the mindset of "I can’t disappoint people." As a result, I work really hard to make others happy. I realize now that this is an impossible task because happiness comes from within.
Unless you are loving yourself daily & making yourself happy first, it’s almost impossible to make others happy. Once you learn how to love and care for yourself, you can love and care for others in a healthy and authentic way which takes way less energy than the other way around.
Basically, effortless effort has been working much better for me both physically and spiritually. Essentially, there is a balance between strength and ease that i try to maintain both on and off the mat.